Our research has been released in a press announcement

Our research has been released in a press announcement. 【本学HP】 https://www.chiba-u.ac.jp/news/research-collab/ […]

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Transition to Graduate School of Informatics

Kawamoto and Kera have moved from Graduate School of Engineering to the newly established Graduate School of  […]

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Member List Updated

Six undergraduate seniors, six master's students, and one doctoral candidate have joined the members.

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Graduation ceremony

Six undergraduate students graduated, along with five Master's degree candidates and one Doctoral degree candi […]

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Member list is updated.

The list of lab members is updataed.

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Graduation ceremony

Five undergraduate students graduated, along with five Master's degree candidates.

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Member list is updated

The member list is updated.

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Dr. Kera joins the lab.

Dr. Kera joins the lab as an assistant professor.  

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Member list is updated

The member list is updated

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当研究室にて一緒に教育研究活動を進めていただける方を公募しています.ぜひご検討ください. 工学研究院常勤教員公募 [募集人員] B:情報科学コース担当テニュアトラック助教1名[専門分野] B:機械学習,深層学習,データサ […]

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